Prototype A

Past Exhibit
April 3, 2021 - January 30, 2022

Awaken ______: An Experimental Exhibit offers visitors a reimagined and awakened Mercer Museum experience, reinventing unused museum spaces into areas in which to engage more deeply with the collections and one another. It will reintroduce the Mercer Museum in a fresh, unexpected and exciting way. These exhibits are meant to be working prototypes, not polished exhibits in the traditional sense, and are designed to offer “mini-excursions” adjacent to the larger experience of the Mercer Museum core.

Overheard in Prototype A

Decorative word cloud: Heriloom, History, Truth, Family, Perspective, Object, Learning, Passed Down, Stories, Experimental, Traditional, Unexpected, Under-Represented, Inherit, Value, Memento, Imagination, Traditional